All in Self Love

Self-development is scary

I'm in the process of restructuring KO. Oddly enough I work with more women in creating businesses than personal coaching. I get it building an empire is definitely sexier than working on you.

Yet, it actually confused me for some time. Like why wouldn't you want to be totally together and at peace. So many of us focus on everything else we can achieve first. We acknowledge the faults here and there but we don't go full force on what's needed to get rid of them. You the saying, "we all have faults," stagnates many from ever working on anything within them. Please note that self-development extends further than just “faults.”

A few months back I was introduced to podcasts. What in the world is a podcast you ask? Basically audio, talking about any and everything. I mainly listen to business and self-help pods...go figure. When I created the mission impossible course, I used audio to accompany the program and the response was well received. There is something about the human voice that helps us to resonate with things.


Transparency...I'm working on becoming more transparent online. It's easier in person because I know who I'm talking to and typically am more compelled to share. Versus on the blog, I hit publish and thousands are privileged  to my mind, heart, vulnerabilities, and past experiences.  I know you're thinking, well just don't share, that's simple enough. However, it isn't that simple. I know that through sharing experiences and stories leads to healing of the recipient and the one sharing.