September Goals

September Goals


September is here. One month left in this quarter. I'm trying to be super productive as I have some amazing things planned for the end of the year and 2015.

Last month’s theme ended up being preparation. My theme for the year is transparency and authenticity. Do you have themes for the year/month? They’re helpful in living a purpose filled life.


Launch Dreamer's Paradise

Blog "daily" in September

Complete biz guide

Weekly meal plans for BGEC

Divas 2014-2015 School Program

Plan Diva Talks

Free monthly call



Workout 3 times a week

Girl talk with diva for 15 minutes each day

Complete Whole30

Football mom chronicles

Dance mom chronicles


What are your goals for September? Let me know in the comments below. 

3 ways to be more authentic

3 ways to be more authentic

Networking No'No's

Networking No'No's