Does being Independent Serve You?

Does being Independent Serve You?


Remember the Independent Woman song by Destiny's Child? 

I was listening to it the other week as I was driving to DC. 

I remember when I was an independent woman. It was like a badge of honor to say. 

I don't need *insert whatever you don't need* and say it proudly! But it was a lie. It was! I would say I didn’t needy my Huni. It's hilarious because back when I said it, I didn't have a job and was trying to get through grad school. Two small kids and I didn't need him. Laughing out loud for real. 

So fast forward a few years. I graduated and was making my own money and doing my own thang. I learned being independent was a set up. I needed him. I needed my friends. I truly needed these people in my life to thrive. Did I need them to buy me things. 

Somewhere we are taught in society, that we don't need this person or that person. But guess what?!? That's foolishness. 

We all need someone! Now of course if the person is mistreating you and making your life a living hell, you don't need THAT person(s). 

Sometimes we just need someone to listen to us. Bounce ideas off of. Console us. It feels good for someone to buy you gifts. More money in my account. Not pushing you to take take take because all interactions should be reciprocal, give and take. That's the beauty of healthy interactions. 

In business and life I had a hard time, like teeth clinching hard, asking for help. I have always been the brainstorming bombshell. I can figure IT out on my own. And if not, that's what my BFF google could do. We all have our various strengths and weaknesses, together we win, not being independent. Being independent doesn't serve us. We need people.




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