New project alert: Dreamer's Paradise Podcast

New project alert: Dreamer's Paradise Podcast


I'm a dreamer. Head in the clouds full of dreams, plans to save the world and truly make a difference. This is why I understand my clients so well. Those big dreams usually come with lots of reservations. And not the fancy 5 star restaurant reservations. But the can I really do this reservations. Hell yeah you can! 

Then I'm a huge fan/supporter of women crushing it! Women who choose themselves and make their own way on their own terms. 

I've started a new project, you read that right, another project: Dreamers Paradise. It's a podcast, audio through iTunes. I'm interviewing women of color who have created their dream lives through business and other passion based methods. The show will go live 9/9/14. New episodes will launch every Tuesday. The conversations are very candid, inspirational, transformational. I have them to break down their stories and process, because stories are so powerful in learning about a person. 

These ladies are phenomenal and doing amazing things in our world. I've recorded a few episodes already and can't wait until I can share them with you! 

Motivation Monday: 31 Daily Affirmations

Biz Bestie

Biz Bestie